Sunday, August 1, 2010


I've pretty much been wearing birkenstocks my whole life (thanks mom!) but recently i've decided I think its time to move on from the "jap" style and start branching out.

These are the Birkinstocks that I've been wearing for ages, and I practically have worn them to death as you can see they are the "classics" but in my option they are pretty mundane.

As you can tell, I really like the look of several starps (well more that just 2).  I've seen several people sporting the florida's (3) and/or the orlando's (5) but I really think they look nice. Not many people choose to wear the granada (2) or the bali (1) but I really like how the three straps join into one. (They have a lot of detail, but still look elegant ,  well as elegant as you can get with with birkenstocks.
I think my favorite pair is the granada, I'll let you know if I end up getting them!

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